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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Small Things

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.” (Hebrews 10:24)

You would not think having your hair washed by someone else is noteworthy. But when the hair washing includes a sponge bath because of being confined to bed rest, the thought sheds new light on the subject. “Makes you appreciate the small things even more” is how she concluded her response when I called to check on her.  

Recovering from a severe accident, where God’s hand of deliverance was noted by all who know her, my friend was grateful for the supportive family who stepped in to help until the needed surgeries were behind her. Each of the family members recognized God at work and prayed they learn from the experience. In the meantime, they waited and trusted their faithful God. This precious child of God—a wife, mother, and daughter—was not negligent to express appreciation to her family for their care. She pays the blessings forward.

When was the last time you expressed appreciation, admiration, or encouragement to someone—a family member or not, even a stranger? Have you seen love in action as someone ministered, and it inspired you—stirred you—to do likewise for someone in need? There may not have been a particular reason, but God inspired you to pass on an act of kindness. We should actively seek ways to encourage one another, spur fellow believers to keep up the good work (or begin one) and express God’s love.

Everyone can use a cheerleader. What if we encouraged at least one person daily? Our words could be the spark that ignites a bonfire of blessings. In the song “Pass It On, the lyrics state it takes only one spark to get a fire going. Be that spark. Keep a pair of pompoms handy to cheer someone on. Words of sincere encouragement, praise, and appreciation will not only bless that person but could begin a cascade of blessings passed on as they, too, pay it forward to others. Something that seems small to you may be a massive blessing for someone else.

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