We can catch glimpses of ourselves in a mirror, glass
window, shiny piece of metal or pool of water. As you stand gazing at the
reflection of yourself, what do you see? The scar from childhood? Blemishes?
Time for a touch-up? The image you see is only a reflection of who you are. The
decision for renewal is yours to make, for the inward you—the real you to shine
As you reflect on the past, are there memories that “haunt”
you? Some things you did or said that you now regret? You can’t undo the past so,
you either seek forgiveness, cleansing, and press forward in your walk with the
Lord, or you remain “as is” and wallow in self-pity. The apostle Peter chose to
move forward after his failure and became a bold, powerful proclaimer of the
message of Christ (Acts 2).
As you reflect on the present, do you concern yourself with
“what ifs”? What if I lose my job? What if I do not have enough money saved? What
if . . .? Getting bogged down with “what ifs” can be a “joy-killer.” Jesus said
there are enough things to deal with today; leave tomorrow for tomorrow
(Matthew 6:34). God knows our needs and will care for us.
As you contemplate the future, are you nervous, worried, or fretting?
Even though Paul knew he would be bound and even die when he entered Jerusalem,
his co-workers could dissuade him; they finally resolved the Lord was in
control (Acts 21:10–14).
As you press forward in your walk with the Lord, will you
face today and your future with the resolve, “Lord, not my will but Yours be
done?” The decision is yours.
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