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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Perfect Timing

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season marks notable changes that must happen before the next arrives; each serves a specific purpose for the good of God’s creation. Where you live or happen to be at the time decides what you will experience during these seasons. Some uncomfortable seasons seem to last “forever,” and we long for a change in weather. Changes in seasons occur at the right time, according to God’s timetable.

 Likewise, there are different seasons in our lives. Each is unique and needful, preparing us as we journey through this life. Your current season may be one of peace and contentment, overflowing with blessings. Or your season is challenging, filled with unexpected twists and turns of events. It seems the deluge of rain, scorching heat, storms, or dormancy of life will never end—there is no hint of a change in your season. But remember, just as cold fronts, ice storms, and heat waves may occur out-of-season, God controls the weather and life events. If He has allowed you to travel this season, He was not surprised and always wants His best for you.

Take to heart the words of the “Preacher” of Ecclesiastes as he continues his discourse in verse two, “There is a time to be born and a time to die.” God alone prevails over life and death (more events mentioned through verse eight). He knew the day you would be born; He knows the day of your death. Even when evil steps in and seems to disrupt God’s perfect blueprint for your life, He was aware of it before time began and already a plan in place for your good—nothing takes Him by surprise.

God is Creator and omnipotent over all His handiwork; He holds everything in His hands. He is aware of your current season, and pleasant or not, you are not alone. In your times of blessing, waiting, dryness, anxiety, grief—whatever it may be—call out to the Faithful One who is always with you and working on your behalf. Trust God. There is a purpose for your season, and His timing is always perfect. 

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