conception, God stamped our DNA with certain personality traits and qualities that
make each of us unique. They motivate us to think, feel, and act the way we do;
they color everything we see. By God’s grace, every believer within the body of
Christ is gifted to minister (1 Peter 4:10–11). Your giftedness is for your benefit
and, when rightly applied, will help and bless people your life touches. These
gifts that motivate us in ministry (Romans 12:6–8) fall into seven categories:
Prophecy: Declare
the will of God; make known the truths of God
Service: Seek
opportunities to help and serve others
Teacher: Researches
the truths of God’s Word and teaches others
Encourager: Seeks
to encourage people in their daily walk
Giver: Seeks ways
to invest personal resources to help others
Administrator: Leadership
and organizational skills, a visionary
Compassion: Recognizes people’s
needs and offers support
God has blessed you with the five
senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch unless physically impaired.
If what you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch differs from someone, don’t
assume their conclusion of a matter is faulty or wrong. Just as the five senses
are equally important and should work together, so are the gifts that God
Because our unique
gifts color what we see, it is vital to work together as believers to grasp the
correct, full-color picture of life. Don’t let “tunnel vision” decide the colors
you see using only one or two colors from your crayon box.
Love this!!!!