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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Great and Precious Promises

“According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue;” (2 Peter 1:3)

More than likely, you have heard heartbreaking testimonies or read stories of broken lives because of abuse, addictions, abandonment, divorce, neglect, intimidation, bullying; the list could fill pages. Any of these afflictions could easily cause someone to walk a dark, unwanted life path filled with fear, bitterness, anger, rejection, regret. Because we live in a broken world where evil abounds, bad things happen, not caused by God, but by evil people, selfish people, and sometimes our own poor choices. Bad things will continue to occur until Jesus returns.

It’s easy to offer excuses and even point fingers of blame for not fulfilling our calling to walk in the steps of Jesus, but we have no reasons to offer since God has given us everything needed to live a godly life—we have the gift of Jesus Christ. By accepting Him as Lord and Savior, God has given us great and precious promises of His presence, peace, grace, forgiveness, love—promises that enable us to live a God-pleasing life as we grow in the knowledge of Him. Are you by faith living out your promises? Or are they still wrapped up as gifts, unopened, waiting to bless you?

Despite the unfairness of circumstances and brokenness, God is aware; He sees He hears. God knows everything and promises to take not only the “bad” things but all things in the lives of His children and work them for good according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).


  1. God is never surprised by the events that come to our lives, He knows, cares and will carry us through to the other side.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.