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Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Sentinel

“Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

We make decisions from the moment a new day begins, decisions ranging from minor ones that don’t require much deliberation to those that are life-changing. Some decisions will require actions to counteract consequences caused by unwise choices; others pave the chosen path, whether right or wrong.

Above all else, God’s Word admonishes us to guard our hearts, that significant little organ carrying lifeblood throughout the body. From what are we protecting the heart? Pollution. Pride, deceit, lies, and evil thoughts lurk at every turn waiting for entrance into an unguarded heart. The residents of our heart will manifest themselves through our speech and actions; what abides inside will eventually find its way outside (Matthew 12:34; 15:18–20).

The heart should give no room for evils of any form. Instead, we should fill it with God’s love and wisdom to make the right life choices. How can we do this? Consider the path you are walking. Have you grounded your feet on the commands and promises of God? Are your eyes fixed on Jesus, or do you look to the right or left in your walk?

Sentinel, it is your duty to guard your heart against pollutants. When what abides inside you gets out, what will bystanders see or hear? Will there be blessings, or will the fallout cause harm? If a change is needed, our Father wants to make what’s wrong inside right. But you must take the initiative. Only God and you know what thrives within the recesses of your heart. God sees, hears, and is always available when you call out to Him for help.


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