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Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Great Reckoning

“He hath said in his heart, ‘God hath forgotten, He hideth His face; He will never see it.’” (Psalm 10:11)

Who in the world, wicked or righteous, thinks God would forget, overlook, or not see sin?

Think of an average week in your life. Did you say an unkind word or commit an unkindness without giving it a second thought? Have you ever borrowed a couple of dollars from petty cash thinking, no big deal, I will replace it tomorrow? But you forgot. A friend emailed you asking for prayer, but you were preoccupied at the time and later forgot. Possibilities of actions and inactions are endless.

God knows we are incapable of living perfect lives yet holds us accountable for every major, minor, intentional, unintentional, or forgotten action or inaction. Why? First and foremost, because He is Holy God and hates sin. He expects us to strive for Christlikeness in word, deed, and thought daily. We are to be godly examples for people who listen to and watch us; we are held accountable.

After forty years of leading a whining multitude of people through the wilderness, God didn’t allow Moses to enter the Promised Land. Why would God deny His faithful servant entrance? In frustration of hearing their complaints, Moses disregarded God’s instructions (Numbers 20:8–12). If God allowed Moses’ action to go unpunished, the people would have thought they too could act irresponsibly or rebellious without repercussion.

Accountability. God hears. God sees. God does not forget. The great reckoning awaits; we are held accountable and will answer for every unforgiven sin one day.

1 comment:

  1. Hugging your wet and muddy child doesn't clean him up... it just get you muddy and wet. Same with sinful folks... lead them to the cleansing water of Jesus and then you can embrace them.


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