Following This Blog

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Lighted Path

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Camping, hiking, and hunting can be fun and rewarding experiences. Before the outing, you make a checklist of necessary items needed, pack them up, and off you go. All is going well until daylight fades and you discover you forgot to pack fresh batteries for the lantern or flashlight. Hunters often attach easily noticed cloth strips or brightly colored tape to trees in the woods to mark the trail, especially in unfamiliar woods. The markings reveal the course of traveling without getting lost. But even with the markings, when walking through dark and unfamiliar territory, light is crucial.

Light is for illumination, expelling darkness. The psalmist said God’s Word would light his path. It will also illuminate your path, so you will not stumble or take a wrong turn unless left on a table or shelf, unopened. Unopened, the Bible is only a book, or lamp if you will; a lamp without a lit wick turned up to shed its light. The message (light) stays hidden, not lighting the way until you open His Word, read it, and allow His words to speak to you.

Opening God’s Word is not enough, just as holding fresh batteries in your hand for a lantern. The lantern must have properly placed batteries and the switch turned on, or it will not yield its light. God wants to light your path, to keep you safe from stumbling or going in the wrong direction. He is the Word and the Light (John 1:1,7–9). As you read the Bible, allow God to speak to you through the Holy Spirit, and your path will be well lit. Obey His Word, and you will not stumble or take a wrong turn in life.

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