Following This Blog

Friday, May 29, 2020


“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:23)

There was no denying, looking down at my forearms, it was poison ivy. How could this have happened, staying indoors during a pandemic, and always staying clear of the three-leaf plant? It was puzzling. I suspected the plant’s oil carrier was my little investigative puppy who loves trekking through the woods. Unknowingly, he carried and transferred the dreaded contagion. Not a big deal unless highly allergic, as myself. Colds, flu, viruses, and diseases can also be unintentionally passed along to others by unsuspecting carriers.

Allergens, germs, and diseases are not the only contaminants that alter our state of well-being. As believers following Christ, a foul-mouth or gossiping, angry, negative, and critical spirit can affect our health spiritually, physically, and mentally. Once a carrier of undesirable traits is detected, beware lest you also become polluted. Don’t be deceived; association with the wrong people will affect your effectiveness as a servant of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Now, let’s consider some good “contagions,” positive qualities like humility, laughter, kindness, and a delightful, God-filled spirit. Inspiration carriers often spur us to pass the blessings received onto others. Choose to carry and live out that which honors God, blesses others, and approves you as God’s child. Choose to be an inspiration as opposed to an infection.

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