At times we welcome them; other times dread, but what would
traveling our roadways be like without traffic lights? The word terrifying comes
to mind.
Traffic signals are our friend as we safely drive through green
lights one after another as though synchronized to accommodate our busy
schedule. But the lights are not so friendly as a traveler tries to zip through
a yellow light as it turns red and blue flashing lights appear. The caution
light was for your good, but you chose not to heed the warning. Although
sometimes annoying, traffic signals are essential. When obeyed, we do well.
When neglected, consequences may follow.
The Father sent the promised Comforter (John 14:26)—the Holy
Spirit dwells within all believers. He speaks to your heart only what He hears
from the Father. Whether or not you agree, no matter how you feel, He
speaks the truth. As the One who guides us on this journey of faith, set your
feet in motion when He says, “Go.” The path is crystal clear at times; other
times, the way requires a step-by-step walk of faith. You may have questions,
but His green light always means “yes.”
When the Holy Spirit says, “Wait,” stay where you are until
you hear further instructions, keeping a watchful eye and keen ear for when He
instructs your next move. In those yellow-light, caution-waiting times, God is
always at work not only in you and for your welfare but also in your
circumstances, often including other people. The outcome depends on your
obedience to His instructions.
“Stop” is often the most challenging word from the Holy
Spirit. Going forward after hearing No can be disastrous and cause
irreparable ripple effects in many people's lives. Pleading with God to have
your way may result in Okay, not because He condones your request, but
for teaching purposes. Obey God’s signals and do well; when neglected,
consequences await.
Trust God's go, wait, or stop. Trust Him and obey His
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