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Friday, January 15, 2021

When Sparks Fly

 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27:17)

"Strike while the iron is hot." A blacksmith pounds away at the blade or horseshoe after pulling it from the red-hot fire. He cannot sharpen or shape the iron until it reaches the right temperature. Heating, striking, and cooling are crucial to the finished product.

Just as iron sharpens iron, God impresses His children to encourage, inspire, and challenge (influence) one another through discussions that hone and develop thoughts and feelings into a clearer perspective. His resonating message forges truth, "striking while the iron is hot,” and His developing work that sharpens and shapes each person may cause flying sparks. But beware of striking a message of your own making, one that satisfactorily shapes a person to suit your liking. Such words can ignite injurious sparks that cause hurtful and sometimes unfixable consequences.

When sparks fly during the forming process, never try to soften God’s message: "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful" (Proverbs 27:6). A loyal friend will speak God’s truth even if it stings. A real friend is not one who sugar-coats words for personal gain or to spare feelings but boldly proclaims God’s error-free word. Sweeten a God-given message only if He offers a spoon of sugar.        


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