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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Keep Your Stride

“. . . And the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us. . .” (Hebrews 12:1 AMP)

External factors and personal sins will slow us down in our race of life, so we must cast off those weights. Then there is “the sin.” Everyone has an effortlessly and shrewdly entangling sin. What is that one sin? Because we are all different, so is that fault for each of us.

How do you recognize “the sin?” That besetting sin is the one that happens more often than others, the one that sends you into a tailspin, making you lose stride; it may even knock you off your feet. Is your flaw impatience or self-control? Are you a “fixer,” thinking you alone know the right way or answer? Are you easily drawn into gossip, spreading words that are unkind, untrue, or none of your business? Short tempers, over-indulgence, pride, tale-bearing—or whatever the sin is that trips you most in life—is the one that will most hinder your walk with the Lord, distort your Christlike image, and obstruct success to the finish line.

Although we are often our worst enemy, the Christian’s adversary of this world, Satan, has minions always watching and listening for believers’ embarrassing shortcomings and failures. When we speak words of frustration, despair, fear, and defeat, we open the door of opportunity for them that work gladly and tirelessly concocting situations to trip or detour us in our goal of Christlikeness. So, carefully guard your words, actions, and reactions.

Are we doomed if everyone has a sin that plagues their daily walk? No. Talk to God. Tell Him you recognize the problem (of which He is already aware) and surrender it to Him. As you draw from His resources of strength and wisdom within you, trust Him to help you overcome every obstacle in the way. Keep your stride. God wants you to run obstruction-free even more than you do. 

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