"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." (Proverbs 25:11)
I am so grateful for God’s faithfulness. He helped me share The
Word with ladies who trusted me to speak truth week after week, year after year.
Yet, even with His aid, the idea of retirement hung heavily around me. I felt ineffective;
it was time for someone younger. But God called me to the task, so I brought the
matter before Him.
Weeks went by, then a year with no word or sign from God. That
is, until my birthday. I received several birthday cards with kind words and well-wishes
for a blessed day. Then I opened the letter, a rarity with the many options of
communication available today. The letter, too, had a birthday greeting, but the
writer also filled the pages with encouragement. God used her words to minister;
the hovering cloud disappeared—the “need” to retire was gone. If retirement time
came, it would be only because of God's timing, not because of a pressing necessity.
When the Holy Spirit impresses you to contact someone, do it without hesitation because many distractions will vie for your attention to keep you from yielding to the Father’s prompting. Your thoughtfulness and obedience may shine God’s light on a concern or need for which they are praying. My sister-in-the-Lord obediently took time to sit, write, buy a stamp, and mail the God-appointed letter, words I needed to hear. I trust she recalls my gratitude. When you experience a similar blessing, remember to thank God and the messenger—by doing so, you bless both. In turn, speak God’s truth to those He leads you to encourage.
Good word! Too many times we let doubt stop us from contacting the person God placed on your heart. If He put that person there, He meant for you to act in His place.