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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

On the Other Side


“But straightway Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.’” (Matthew 14:27)

After seeing miracle after miracle, the disciples showed their lack of faith by asking Jesus how He could feed thousands of hungry people with only a few small baskets of food (vs. 14–21). They failed this faith-lesson, but Jesus had another one prepared.

Jesus miraculously fed the hungry listeners, then instructed His disciples to board a boat, cross over the eight-miles-wide Sea of Galilee and wait for Him to meet them on the other side. Midway, a violent storm arose that prevented them from turning back or going across—obeying Jesus and forces of nature had them stuck in a storm. Fear of the raging storm and the darkness of night veiled the disciples’ vision as Jesus walked on water towards them; they thought He was a ghost. Once again, they lost sight of who He was and all that He taught them. When Jesus spoke, they recognized Him, and fear left. The storm ended as Jesus got into the boat with them, and they safely crossed over.

Sometimes God’s children prove the same lack of confidence in His ability, the Creator of all that exists, because of what our physical eyes see. But He has teachings ready in advance for us as well, lessons carefully crafted with teaching techniques fitted for every individual’s best. After completing each assignment, the next will be just a little more challenging. Training is always for our good, although not all life-storms originate with God; some are of our own making, while others are the work of our adversary of this world to discourage and defeat us. But if you are in a storm, it is only by God’s permissive will. You nor Satan can override His authority.

Whether God has thrust you into a storm, you created one yourself, or the enemy wielded it—no matter the cause of your storm-like struggle—you never go through it alone. Jesus said He would never leave us or abandon us (Hebrews 13:5). If you feel alone, you are not; you merely lost sight of God’s Savior—your Rescuer. Jesus is with you and will see you safely through to the other side of the problem. He will never leave you. Listen closely for His voice as He whispers, take courage, don’t be afraid; I am here with you. Each difficulty you undergo and overcome with God’s help prepares you for the next one; life-lessons do not end until we meet our Maker face-to-face.


  1. There have been small "storms" I have felt lately and these words of encouragement and reminder was what I needed today.... Each difficulty you undergo and overcome with God’s help prepares you for the next one. So thankful for your blog and time spent writing. Love you Mrs. Gilda!

    1. I've come to the conclusion that these devotionals are for me first, but I'm so grateful you and others are blessed as well. "Thank You God for Jesus!" He prepares us for and sees us safely through every storm we face in life. Thank you for sharing Chrystal, and for your words of encouragement.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.