“Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so
great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth
so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before
us, looking unto Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith . . .”
(Hebrews 12:1–2)
Today you begin the ending of another New Year. You make resolutions
with the sincerest heart, but some of your heartfelt and well-thought-out plans
are short-lived. Often, those well-intended resolutions are not honored because
of lost focus. Focus is intentional, a concentrated and fixed sight. Focus is vital
in keeping us on track, which brings us to the passage's subject: a race.
Whether athletically inclined or not, everyone alive is a participant in the
race of life. But the writer of Hebrews focuses on believers, God’s children, running
in this unique race.
Many track runners wear skimpy, lightweight, well-fitted
clothing and shoes, and sometimes headgear, so the wind flows freely over
them as they run—no resistance. A healthy diet, exercise, rest, and daily
training are crucial for physical fitness to run a race, but this passage does
not mention any of these. Instead, he instructs believers to “lay aside every
weight.” We are to cast off everything that might constrict or resist our way
through life: concerns, wrong attitudes, unforgiveness—anything that would hinder
success in our lifelong race. This removal includes “the sin that so easily
besets us,” the one “something” (or someone) that triggers you to think, say,
or do that which would not happen under normal circumstances. Unless you cast
off that besetting sin, it will trip you up every time.
Once you have removed all hindrances, run with perseverance.
Keep your eyes—your focus—on the Author and Finisher of your faith; no hesitation,
no looking back, or you will lose stride, or worse, stumble. Jesus is with you from
the beginning of your faith-run and will be there as you cross the finish line.
Be resolute every day to run your race well; there is a host of witnesses who
have gone on before you, watching and cheering you on to victory.
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