“. . . Stripping off every unnecessary weight. . .”
(Hebrews 12:1 AMP)
We are in a life race, and from the start line to the finish line, our lifelong run is
about conforming to the image of Christ, becoming more like Him. In our transforming
process into His likeness, we are to tell others the Good News of everlasting
life (John 3:16) and Jesus’ soon return. But along the way, we pick up needless
and sometimes harmful “baggage” that hinders us; those bags must go.
The word “stripping” reminds me of removing a surgical bandage
that must come off at the right time for complete healing. You know it will
cause discomfort, may even draw tears to your eyes, but you do it because it is
necessary. Each person carries weights; some of them are for the good of fellow
believers: In Galatians 6:2, the Bible calls for Christians to bear one another’s
burdens because it fulfills the law of Christ (love one another). Other loads we
carry are self-inflicted consequences from poor choices. Then there are weights
packed on from external factors.
One outer weight to consider is the company we keep. If people you often associate with are negative rather than positive, separate yourself from them. Do your associates live contrary to God’s Word—untruthful, untrustworthy, or unruly; do they speak poorly of God’s children? Some of those people you need only distance yourself from, while others you must disassociate with—strip them off—no matter how painful the parting. You can minister to people without a “buddy-close” involvement.
Intimidation is another outside force that hinders the
life-run. The tongue is a small organ, but one with great power. With it, words
spoken can build up, tear down, or hold hostage—the person who told you that
you would never amount to anything or you can never change: Destroyer. The
parent who pressed you to follow in their occupation even though God gave you a
specific, different path, or the person who made you promise something on their
deathbed: Hostage Taker. As the hearer of words spoken to you, allow the Holy
Spirit within you to filter what to receive or reject.
Strip off every weight from your mind, heart, and life—those
that are self-induced or come from outward forces, so you run the race unhindered.
Discard everything from your life that is not from God and run victoriously.
Once you strip away those hindering things you will be amazed how light you will feel and how easily you can move through life.