“. . . Looking unto Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our
faith . . .” (Hebrews 12:2)
The Amplified Bible interprets this segment of verse two more
“[Looking away from all that will distract us and]
focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first
incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity] . . .”
The passage in Hebrews quoted on the first day of January begins with the word “wherefore” (or therefore). This word links the heroes of faith mentioned in chapter eleven to what the writer says in chapter twelve: “Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. . .” Whether these named and unnamed faith heroes, along with our loved ones and angels in heaven, form this “great cloud of witnesses” and watch as we run our race is unknown. But we do know innumerable witnesses surround us. Whoever the witnesses are, I like to think of them cheering us on, like spectators in sports events applaud and cheer to encourage the participants. Victory is possible by God’s grace. The heroes of faith’s life-run are an inspiration for us to endure to the end.
Believers must train rigorously with dedication, just as
athletes. We must consistently nourish ourselves with God’s Word; we must take
off anything that impedes our running. We must run with determination and a fixed
focus—not on circumstances, not on people, not on the past, but Jesus. Don’t lose
heart; consider all He endured for you on the cross. Catch your second
wind and keep going. No stopping until you cross the finish line and rest
in the arms of Jesus, who is waiting for you.
Thank God we are not left on our own but are secure in Jesus.
ReplyDeleteYes, Thank You, Lord! ❤️