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Friday, January 8, 2021

Superficial Damage

“The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?” (Proverbs 18:14 NLT)

As she drove down the driveway, the distracted visitor hit the old stately cedar tree, doing more damage to her vehicle than the tree. Or so it seemed. A black streak slowly developed, ever-increasing upward; disease found its way into the tree, eating away at it from the inside. Later, small branches died, then a larger one. The tree had suffered more than a minor blow that day and would still be healthy today had I cared for the superficial damage.

Distractions happen. Accidents happen. You take your eyes off the road for a split second while driving and often veer off into an unintended direction. Losing focus, even for only a moment, carries consequences, some much greater than others. Unfocused people sometimes unintentionally “backup” into others, causing wounds that seem insignificant, leaving the wounded unattended. But later, human emotions creep in, and the victim’s minor issue festers. What seemed slight on the outside grew as a consuming infection on the inside. Other times harm is intentional, leaving victims weakened or hurt physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. We endure injuries to the physical body, but damages to one’s soul (mind, will, and emotions) are never shallow and without consequence, often spiritually.

A sickly tree cannot care for itself, but we can tend to ourselves, though some do not. Sometimes a person is negligent or too bitter about their personal needs; other times, they may not recognize their condition, while others choose to wallow in self-pity. When the Holy Spirit’s leading draws you to someone struggling in life, pray for/with them and obediently do what you can in being the hands and feet of Christ fulfilling His command to love one another.

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