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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Reflex Action

". . . Throw off your old sinful nature. . .  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy." (Ephesians 4: 22–24 NLT)

When she saw the men on four-wheelers trying to round up stray cattle, our Australian blue heeler sprang into action. Usually very shy and afraid of everything, the dog showed no fear as she circled the cattle, nipping at their hooves, forcing them to their pasture. Because heelers are a herding breed, her reflex action came naturally. She had a similar reaction when a duck, leading her brood of ducklings out of the pond, strolled across the lawn. With anticipation, the dog quietly watched until, at the right time, she circled the ducks and carefully herded them back to the pond where she thought they belonged. She was gentle with the fragile little creatures by instinct; no nipping at the heels needed. (I highlighted two of our dogs, Sheela and Bubba’s escapades in my book, Take a Number, Please.)

As God's prized creation, our "natural nature" falls in the category of sin. When wronged, retaliation is sometimes the automatic response. When undesirable situations stay unchanged for extended periods, impatience waits to spring into action. Left unguarded, our nature, unlike the heeler, succumbs to wrongdoing. Once you invite Jesus into your life, the Holy Spirit takes up residence, and you must consistently "throw off” the old you that continually wants to slither back into your life unnoticed. Only then can you "put on” the new you that produces fruit for God’s kingdom. 

The Bible instructs us as God's children to walk in the Spirit. An obedient life produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23)—the evidence of God's presence within. These characteristics should be our new nature every day. Walking with God requires steadfastness as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith. Are you daily putting on the new you or allowing your old nature's reflex action to do what comes naturally? 

1 comment:

  1. That new nature use be put on daily, it’s not a one time situation like being born again.


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