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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Woe is Me

“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!” Isaiah 45:9a

Anyone who puts off or rejects the Holy Spirit’s wooing of their lost soul to confess their sins, repent, and invite Jesus into their life fights against their Creator. He said for all the world to look to Him for He is salvation; He is God; there is no other, declaring every knee will bend to Him (vs. 22–23). But God offers no pity for those who reject His gift of Jesus to the world; waiting until your death to give allegiance when you bow before God is too late. Believers also fight against their Maker. What? Not me, you say. Yes, you do, and so do I.

God created the first man on earth from dirt; we are clay in the Potter’s hands. Does the clay argue with the One shaping it, saying, “Wait, what are You doing?” or “Stop, You’re doing it wrong?” We strive with God when we are dissatisfied with our circumstances or the people He allows to be part of our life stories. Before time began, He knew our parents. Our birth was not surprising to Him; He formed us in our mother’s womb. He knew who would daily cross our paths.

God said: “ I am the LORD, and there is none else; there is no God beside Me” (v. 5 NLT). He is the Creator of all that exists; no one is like Him. Suffering and torments await those who reject God’s salvation plan. Believers who complain about or doubt God’s care or question why He allows undesirable situations or outcomes to fall their way also suffer, missing the contentment of their Maker’s abundant provisions. Instead of saying, “Woe is me,” let’s say, “Thank You, Lord!” He loves us so much that His only Son, Jesus, died for us.

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