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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Spiritual Markers

A friend shared a memory from nine years ago that popped up on social media. Her recollections of what God did reminded me of what I wrote a few years ago:

King Uzziah's death marked time; in a vision, Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on a throne in the temple. As God's glory filled the place, Isaiah knew he was unclean and unworthy to be in His presence. One seraph took a hot coal from the altar and touched his lips; God purged his sins. Then Isaiah heard the Lord asking who He could send (on a mission). Without hesitation, Isaiah volunteered to go. He had no idea what the task entailed, where he would go, or what to say—but he was willing for God to use him: "Here am I, send me." (Isaiah 6:8)

Joshua 4 tells of God's miraculous parting of Jordan's waters to the left and right when the priests' feet touched the water's brim, and the Israelites crossed over to the Promised Land on dry land. Two monuments commemorated the miracle: Joshua set twelve stones in a heap where the priests stood, holding God's Ark, and a man from each of Israel's twelve tribes carried a boulder on their shoulder to Gilgal, setting a monument where they camped that night. After everyone safely crossed over, the waters of Jordan flowed as before. Joshua said when their children asked the meaning of two heaps of stones, the fathers would tell the miracle of when God brought them across Jordan on dry land: "That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God forever." Joshua 4:24

Is your life marked with spiritual reminders? Moments etched in time when you know you met Holy God? He asked (or commanded) you to go or be still and know that He is God, or He spoke some other message you knew was from Him. If God moved powerfully in your life and changed you, then He left spiritual markers as reminders of His activity. But not all spiritual remembrances are of obedience, some bear reminders of neglecting God's guidance. Those markers are not there for condemnation but as reminders to avoid repeating the same mistakes, reminders of God's might, love, faithfulness, and forgiveness when He carried you through difficult or victorious times.

What do recollections of God's activity in your life bring to mind? Have you obediently followed through with the commitments you made to Him? Did God miraculously spare you a treacherous passage or carry you through what seemed an impossible obstacle? Were you obedient when you safely reached the other side? If not, receive God's forgiveness and say, as Isaiah did, "Here am I, send me." Or the Lord may test your faith at your Jordan's bank. He already knows whether you will stay or trust Him and obediently cross over—He wants you to know. Memories. Reminders. What do your spiritual markers tell about you and show others?

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