On a humid and cloudy day, the damp weighted air finds its way down the narrow chimney and pushes the smell of the fireplace’s burnt wood into the room. But all is well again when the clouds clear and the sun shines brightly.
“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop, but a good word
maketh it glad.” Proverbs 12:25
Troubling circumstances and sorrows or feelings of hopelessness and
helplessness—burdens—push their way into our lives, taking a toll on our hearts
and making them feel heavy. But along comes someone with an encouraging word that
brightens our day and lifts our spirits. That wasn’t circumstantial; that was your
heavenly Father caring for your weary, wounded heart.
Other times we’re discouraged or troubled, knowing we displeased God
with something we did or didn’t do. But our Father cleanses our heaviness—lifts
our burdens, clears life’s air, and raises us when we reverently bow before Him
in repentance. His compassionate words of forgiveness—Your sins are forgiven—make
our hearts rejoice.
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