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Monday, November 21, 2022

Intentional Not Incidental

"Who then can be saved?" Mark 10:26b

The Gospel writers tell us that the man who came running after Jesus seeking eternal life was young (Matt 19:20) and a ruler (Luke 18:18). He was a goodly man, having kept God's commands since he was a youth. But one thing stood between salvation and him: he was unwilling to surrender his great wealth to follow Jesus and walked away sorrowfully (vs. 17–22).

It was a deliberate act, not by chance, that you yielded your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Although we must choose whether to let Jesus rule our lives, we don't determine when or where it will happen or get to pick and decide what we will give up to follow the Lord. God frees us from our sin-filled pasts, and we are born again only as the Holy Spirit makes us aware of our sinful condition, and we confess our sins, repent, and turn to Jesus. 

Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ question on who can be saved is the same for us. Genuine salvation happens—God rebirths us into His family—when we invite the world's Savior into our lives, surrender all we have and who we are (wealth, family, possessions, occupation) to Him, letting Jesus be Lord of all. Jesus said doing this is impossible with men, but with God, all things are possible (vs. 27).

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