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Saturday, March 13, 2021

When God Says, "Come"

“Thus, did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.” (Genesis 6:22)

Think of the most incredible thing God has asked you (or compelled you) to do. Did it make any sense; was it an impossible feat to achieve? What was the outcome of your challenge? How does it compare to Noah’s?

The wickedness of humanity’s sin caused such a grievance to God that He set in motion a plan of destruction—trees, animals, birds, everything—all creation would suffer the consequence of evil humanity. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). There was one man who walked with God, and He would spare Noah’s family because of his faithfulness. God told Noah to build an ark with specific dimensions (three football fields long and three stories high). God’s dedicated servant asked no questions, not even, “What’s an ark, or rain?” or “How can I accomplish such a task?” Not even, “How will I persuade animals to enter the ark?” Noah did everything as God commanded: built the ark, gathered enough food for everyone, brought a male and female of all living creatures on the ark.

At God’s divine timing, He said to Noah, “Come into the ark . . ..” God didn’t tell Noah to go into the ark; He invited Him to enter—He was there, waiting for him. Then God shut the door. None of the scoffers who watched, laughing at Noah and his family work on the ark for over a hundred years, could enter—none of them had turned from their evil ways, even though Noah warned them of the impending destruction. Then it began to rain, and the floodwaters beneath the earth burst forth and filled the land. Everyone and everything outside the ark’s safety perished.

Jesus, Son of God, is our “ark”—our Savior, who preserves us from God’s judgment of sin. We choose whether to accept His gift of salvation by inviting Jesus into our lives or reject His Son. One day each of us will physically die. On that day, you will escape sin’s deadly waters because you are safely in the Ark, spending eternity with your Creator because of His grace or by rejecting Him, perish in your wickedness. Scoffers who never accepted God’s salvation through Jesus face eternal separation from Holy God, the One who invites all people to “Come into the ark.” If you delay your decision and the rain starts, it will be too late to cry for help—God has shut the door. God said, “Come” to Noah, and he went. When God says, “Come” to you, will you enter His safety or choose to drown in your sins? 

RSVP—please respond by accepting God's invitation.

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