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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Step Up

 “Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him . . . “(1 Kings 19:19)

Elijah, not questioning God’s message to anoint Elisha as his replacement, hints at his weariness. After Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha as God instructed (indicating Elisha’s call as his assistant and to the prophetic office), the prophet left Elisha to ponder his calling. Elisha took his plow for firewood, roasted his oxen, fed the townspeople, and said his goodbyes. Without the plow and animals, he would never return to farm life. Fully committed to God’s choosing him, he chose to follow God, leaving family, friends, and former life behind and went after Elijah as his assistant-in-training.

Total obedience—that is what God looks and longs for from those He calls for service. The call of God to “step up” in serving Him may come suddenly and unexpectedly. If you feel unworthy or ill-equipped, you are in the perfect posture as a useful tool for God’s work. Questioning the validity of or doubting His call is an indication you think God made a mistake or acted in haste. But God never makes mistakes, and His timing is always right. When His Spirit “is cast” on you, embrace your calling; surrender yourself into the capable hands of the One who knows you. Trust Him. When God calls you to a task, He equips you to carry it out successfully.

Elijah was weary, and at God’s instruction, stepped down. Elisha was unsuspecting yet followed God’s leading and stepped up—both men were obedient. We know from Scripture that even though Elijah faltered, he didn’t die; God carried him by a whirlwind to heaven in a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire (2 Kings 2:11)—but, because he has not yet died, we know God is not finished with his service yet. Elijah was gone but left behind his mantle (a type of robe usually worn by prophets, made of skin with hair). Because Elisha saw God take his master to heaven, he received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, just as Elijah said (vs. 9–10). The newly appointed prophet picked up Elijah’s mantle and immediately began fulfilling his calling.

As Elisha plowed the field that morning, the last thing on his mind was that God would appoint him as His prophet. Without hesitation or question, he left everything to answer God’s call. If God unexpectedly called you to a task, would you surrender to Him? Would you be willing to leave behind everything that may keep you from being fully committed? Like Elijah and Elisha, you and I have much to do for the Lord, empowered by His Spirit, if we are willing and obedient.

1 comment:

  1. So true! If God calls you, He WILL equip you. Just trust His word.


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