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Monday, March 22, 2021

Fitted for Battle: Helmet of Salvation

 “And take the helmet of salvation . . .” (Ephesians 6:17).

Not only is the soldier’s helmet a vital piece of armor, but it is also crucial to wear it correctly on the head. What good is headgear if you are looking through the earhole?

Hard-hats are mandatory headwear for construction and oilfield workers. Why? Head-protectors. A worker would experience severe injury or even death if a heavy object hit the head without a protective headpiece. For Christians, salvation is the head’s protecting helmet, guarding the mind where all thought and decision-making processes begin. Those who are not firmly grounded in the truth that God, our Father, saves by grace and loves unconditionally have minds that can run amuck in the thick of life’s battles.

When you called out to God, and He saved you from your sins, it was a one-time occurrence, and you became His child having eternal salvation. God’s daily salvation from life’s challenges rescues, restores, and protects His children from the enemy who shoots flaming darts that can wound, cripple, and re-direct our walk with the Lord. Being saved by God’s grace (redemption) secures us a home with Him forever. However, while we walk this side of glory, we must live out our salvation daily. Living in spiritual warfare, we must take captive our every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4–5). Knowing who we are in Christ and applying God’s truths in our daily living, by His power, tear down binding strongholds.

Salvation’s helmet protects the truths we process and believe in our minds. Having been washed clean by the blood of Jesus, we are God’s adopted children—Jesus’ brothers and sisters—joint-heirs with Him in God’s kingdom. People without Christ have unprotected thoughts and are easily deceived and bombarded with lies from the enemy. Believers insecure about their salvation experience fall prey to the world’s evils and people who remind them of past mistakes, saying they are not good enough. But as trust in God increases, so will the faith-shield that wards off the enemy’s arrows against the Christian’s salvation helmet, feet that are ready to carry the Gospel message of God’s peace, striving for righteous living, and walking in God's truth.

Tomorrow’s topic is God’s Word, the sword of the Spirit, one of two offensive weapons we have.

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