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Friday, March 12, 2021

The Third Letter

 “Before destruction, the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.” James 4:6

The centurion pleaded with Jesus to heal his servant, who lay in bed paralyzed and in terrible pain. Jesus agreed to go with the officer, but the officer said he wasn’t worthy for Him to enter his home, believing He could heal by speaking the words. Jesus said He never saw such faith in all of Israel, for him to return home to his healed servant (Matthew 8:8, 10).

The biblical account of the servant’s healing shows how great faith moves God’s heart to action. But faithless, preconceived ideas can rob us of not only blessings but also miracles. God numbered our days on this earth and meticulously planned each one for the best route we should take daily. The problem is sometimes we choose our way instead. What are some results of following our plan? Stress, confusion, unnecessary struggles, heartache, missing miracles—missing God’s best. Why would we discard God’s design, thinking ours is better? One reason is pride.

Another healing account is Naaman’s leprosy. Thinking he was too important and deserved better than to wash in the muddy Jordan River, he almost missed his miracle-healing and would have died a leper. Finally swallowing his pride, Naaman dipped seven times in the murky waters as instructed by Elisha, God’s prophet, and rose from the water healed.

He only thought the words in his heart; I will exalt myself above God, I will be like God (Isaiah 14:13–14). But God heard His angel Lucifer, cast him from heaven, saying his new home would one day be hell. You may be thinking I would never try to rise above God! Really? Have you ever chosen your wants over what you know God spoke to your heart?

Pride. A five-letter word, but the third letter, the “I” in the middle, is the one that sometimes unintentionally says to God, my way is better than yours. Have you missed a miracle, an unexpected blessing, or God’s best for your life because of that third letter? It can quickly happen if we are not consciously looking for and living in God’s wisdom, His nearness, and serving Him to the fullest with other’s needs before ours. But the death sentence for abusing that third letter is to think you are kind and good enough the way you are. You are not; I was not; no one is good enough to spend eternity with God the Father in heaven without Jesus in their life. 

If you have not surrendered to Jesus’ authority, you will miss the most significant life-healing there is: a sinner transformed into a saint by God’s grace through the cleansing blood of His Son. God created hell for Satan and his followers, those who are not part of God’s family. If you have not asked God to cleanse you of your sins and opened your heart’s door to Jesus, don’t delay another second. Swallow the pride that keeps you from His saving grace and eternal life with Him.

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