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Friday, March 5, 2021

The Bottle's Message

 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Our friend was hesitant to say anything at first as he fixed a cup of coffee, but out of curiosity, he blurted out, “I keep glancing at that bottle; I’ve got to know what it is.” The bottle he referred to was on the beverage tray kept near the coffee pot. Picking up the bottle in question, he laughed and said, “I knew it couldn’t be what it looked like, but I had to know.”

Why did the bottle stir such curiosity? The visitor recognized the “look” of the bottle as one that held a popular, name-brand liquor, but ours had agave (honey). Scripture warns us: “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (v.22). You may be thinking, but agave is not evil. No, it isn’t, and neither are alcoholic beverages unless you abuse the use of them. But what if our visitor didn’t know us well and was unaware of the standards by which we live? If that person thought the same thing about the bottle’s message as our friend but didn’t inquire about the contents, he may have left wondering, this preacher drinks hard liquor?

My agave sweetener now exists in a new container that doesn’t resemble the former. Why? God’s Word says to put all things to the test and cling to those that are good. We should withdraw from any wrong appearance or that which could cause someone to stumble in life (Matthew 18:6). What message does your life container send?

1 comment:

  1. Great food for thought... what do people see in me? What do they see in believers?


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.