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Friday, March 19, 2021

Fitted for Battle: Breastplate of Righteousness

“. . . And having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an up-right heart)” Ephesians 6:14a.

The soldier’s breastplate protected the vital organs: heart (also referred to as the seat of our emotions and will), kidneys, and lungs.

Life and death hang in the balance; the construction and positioning of your breastplate are crucial. If it is cunningly self-made righteousness, no matter how majestic it looks on the outside, it will not suffice on life’s battlefield. A pretense of right-standing with God will not and cannot extinguish the fiery darts that the enemy will hurl towards you if he considers you a threat to his plan. If you lay righteousness aside to go your way instead of God’s way for a season, you will feel the onslaught of the enemy who is always watching. If the belt of truth does not secure your breastplate, those fiery darts will find their way to cripple you effectively.

We cannot self-produce righteousness. How do we acquire the victor’s character that protects all the vital areas of our lives? God clothes us with Christ’s uprightness when we receive His Son as our Lord and Savior. At that moment, holy, righteous God took up residence within us and wants—expects—His children to live in right-standing with Him. We do that by aligning our thoughts, words, and actions to the truth of His Word. We stand victoriously in battle only because of His righteousness.

Have you stubbornly chosen to go your way in a matter? You may think it is not that big a deal, but it is to God. Scripture compares stubbornness to worshiping idols and rebellion against God’s commands as witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). If you, as God’s child, have stubbornly chosen your way, you have laid your breastplate aside (though righteous God still abides within you). In choosing unrighteousness, you expose yourself to attacks by the enemy of your soul. Where will the accuser, destroyer attack? He will strike the place that will do the most damage: your heart. He will cause a great disturbance in your emotions (shame, guilt, hopelessness, frustration, anger) and manipulate your will (cunningly lure you farther and farther away from God).

If you laid your breastplate aside, pick it up. Ask God for forgiveness; practice right-living and rest in the covering of His righteousness. King Solomon’s advice is to protect, keep watch over your heart above everything else because it governs the direction of your life. (Proverbs 4:23). Tomorrow we’ll see the importance of strapping our feet with the Gospel of peace. 

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