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Friday, December 30, 2022

Taking Care of Business

I can almost hear Mary anxiously asking Joseph, “Have you seen Jesus?” But he had not; they lost sight of their twelve-year-old son.

“And when they found Him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking Him.” (Luke 2:45)  

Mary and Joseph were unaware that Jesus lingered when the caravan of relatives and friends left Jerusalem after celebrating the Passover. They had traveled all day—twenty miles—when they looked for their firstborn among the folks but couldn’t find Him. So they headed back to Jerusalem and found Him sitting among the teachers in the temple. He had not been disrespectful or disobedient but said he was “about His Father’s business,” listening to and questioning the Rabbis, astonishing them with His understanding and answers. His parents knew Jesus was the Messiah but didn’t understand the “business” of which He spoke. His Father’s work was the priority of His life’s mission.

Salvation is life’s most important business to address. God wants to save all humanity from their lostness (2 Pet 3:9). If you lose sight of Jesus, turn around, He is where you left Him, and you will find Him by seeking the Lord with all your heart and soul (Deut 4:29). But if you have not yet “found Jesus” and surrendered your life to Him, yield to Him when the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart. Jesus, our Savior, is not the baby in a manger or God’s Son hanging on a cross. He is the risen Christ, King of kings, and Lord of lords. He wants you to find Him, forgive you, and have you join His Father’s family.

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