Mary had exciting, profound news and wanted to share it with someone who would understand her encounter with God’s angel. Elisabeth, her old, childless, beyond-childbearing-years cousin, would also give birth to a miracle baby. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elisabeth’s six-month-unborn baby leaped with joy within her; they both knew they were in the presence of the Lord (Luke 1: 44-45).
How could an unborn child in his mother’s womb recognize the
presence of another? How could this unborn Child stir another unborn baby to
such joy? Only by God’s revelation. Did John leap inside his mother with joy in
worship, in awe of the One for whom he would prepare the world for His coming? Both
reasons were cause for his exceeding gladness that made him jump! Mary joined Elisabeth
and baby John in praising God as she broke out into song, rejoicing in God, her
Savior (vv. 46–55)
“Rejoice in the Lord,
ye righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.” Psalm 97:12
When people in right standing with God think of His holiness
or are aware of His presence, we should brighten up with joyful thanksgiving
that He is trustworthy and a covenant-keeping God. As we celebrate Jesus’ birthday,
we have cause to leap for joy as the unborn baby John and sing praises unto God
our Savior as Mary and Elisabeth, remembering God’s holy, unchanging character.
He kept His promise, sending His only Son from heaven to earth to take our sins
upon Himself and die on the cross for us. Jesus fulfilled His Father’s plan for
salvation, rose from the dead, conquered sin, death, and the grave, and sat at
His Father’s right hand in heaven. We have reason to rejoice in the Lord, give
thanks, and share the miraculous Good News: Jesus saves.
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