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Friday, December 16, 2022

Nature's Force

The last hurricane and tornado damaged hundreds of trees on our property, taking down fifty, yet many survived even though the winds claimed their tops and numerous branches. One of the survivors was a fifty-foot topless pine along the woods’ interior trail. It struggled over the last two years, but another recent storm took its toll; only the stump remains. We were unaware that the tree was slowly dying on the inside; we never heard a sound when it fell. My husband had to clear the broken pieces that lay across the path before we could go forward on our trail ride.

Nature and life storms take a toll, often marring outward appearances while the inward sometimes suffer unseen wounds from the relentless blows. It’s sad that some people go through turbulent times alone, whether of their choosing or making or the negligence of others. They are often lonely and steadily declining; few people, if any, hear their cry for help. They fall, and no one sees.  Paul says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:1). What is Christ’s law? Love. We must diligently stay attentive to the needs of others and minister in Jesus’ name.

We become storm starters when our sinful nature rises, and we choose to go our way instead of God’s. We can’t prosper—go forward—until we confess and turn away from our trouble-causing sins blocking our path (Prov 28:13). Other times, God places a storm in our lives for His purposes (Job, Jonah, the disciples). Jesus said we will have tribulations, and we are to glory IN them, not in spite of them. They strengthen our character and our experiences minister to others (Rom 5:3–5; 2 Cor 1:3–4). We can be of good cheer because Jesus overcame all that the world would hurl our way (John 16:33). We are more than conquerors through Christ’s love and overcoming power; nothing can separate us from Him, and He will never leave us (Rom 8: 37–39; Heb 13:5b). 

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