“The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.” Proverbs 10:24
Herod’s fears compounded, wondering what would happen to his
kingdom with this One who was born King of the Jews while the wise men desired,
sought, and rejoiced in meeting the Lord’s Christ.
Instead of reporting back to Herod of Jesus’ whereabouts,
God warned the wise men to go home another way. The king was furious and ordered
the death of all male babies two years old and under (Matt 2:16) to keep the
Jews’ new King from overtaking his authority. But God again warned Joseph in a
dream, telling him to take his family to Egypt and stay there until Herod’s death.
The Good News of Jesus still strikes rejoicing or dread in people
today. Joy and anticipation fill the hearts of those right with God who love
and serve Him and await the return of His Son. But many without Christ live in fear
of death and the unknown. Others reject Him, thinking He came to take away
everything they hold dear in this world. Do you
rejoice in God, our Savior, like the wise men, or do you, like Herod, “kill”
His presence to satisfy selfish desires?
God loved the world and sent His only Son so that whoever
trusted Him would be saved and have everlasting life (John 3:16). That news
should bring you great joy unless you die or Jesus returns before you accept His
gift of salvation through Christ. Those who rejected His Son face eternal separation
from God and horrors far beyond our imagination.
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