Following This Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Old Faithful’s home was just inside the woods; the old tractor was out-of-sight, yet easily accessible. It was there for months, unused because of the time of year. One day, our grandson needed it for a project. He climbed aboard, started it, and was on his way. But he didn’t go far; his plan changed when he painfully discovered ants covering his body. Over the summer months, they busily built their nest in the tractor’s foam seat cushion. Our grandson said he quickly jumped from the tractor and stripped himself of the ant-ridden clothes.

Our Creator’s handiwork (including people) has inspired many of my writings; dogs, turtles, rabbits, ducks, eagles, snakes, and others. And in nature’s classroom, I’ve learned about flourishing trees and dead limbs, dirt, bountiful gardens, and those that are not. Other stories came from observing birds, their young, eggs and nests, seeds, bees, wasps, and today, ants:

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6

Although it doesn’t seem likely because anthills are everywhere, ants are selective in where they build their nests, store food, and protect their eggs. Solomon tells the lazy to gain wisdom from them who know to gather their food year-round for harvesting later. Preparation for one’s future is vital, especially our soul’s readiness to face eternity. For that, we must invite Jesus to be the ruler of our lives after surrendering to Him.

Salvation is the most crucial preparation in this life to face eternal living, but when the Lord brought to mind our grandson’s mishap, at once, my thoughts went to the condition of our spiritual gifts. It wasn’t the tractor’s fault that it was inactive; its owner stored him in the woods. And ants do what God created them to do; find the best and safest place for a nest and to store food. But for us, when our spiritual gifts and talents God gave us to use for His glory lie dormant—they gain no benefit for anyone. Someone misses out on God’s best when we neglect using them. Will it take “ants in our pants” to get us moving for the Lord? Someone without Christ may need you or me today.

As Solomon said, let us consider the ants’ ways and learn wisdom from them. When we do what God called us to do, we will tell the world about Jesus. And when using God’s giftedness for His kingdom, we can confidently say, like Paul, that others could imitate us (Phil 3:17). 

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