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Monday, April 5, 2021

Unspeakable Joy

 “For the fruit of the Spirit is . . . joy. . .” (Galatians 5:22)

Joy, the third characteristic of the Spirit’s fruit, means rejoice, be glad, to celebrate. But sometimes you don’t “feel” like celebrating; times when discouragement settles in; you feel alone—no one cares. Even during these times, we are always to joy in the Lord. Why?

The apostle Peter praised believers who never saw Jesus (like us) for their love and steadfast faith because they believed and rejoiced with “unspeakable joy” for their salvation (1 Peter 1:8). The disciples who ministered with Jesus joyfully reported that demons were subject to them through His name (Luke 10:17). But Jesus said their joy was in the wrong place. Instead, they should rejoice because God recorded their names in heaven; that was a reason to celebrate.

When you experience life’s difficulties, you are to “count it all joy” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4). Celebrate and believe God is in control and working through every situation. You may never realize this side of glory the impact your trials and sufferings have on others (or yourself). As His children surrendering to His authority, you and I must leave those matters with God, who always works them out for good according to His purposes. As He prunes our lives, reshaping us to produce kingdom fruit, trust Him. Though the pruning stings momentarily, Jesus said our joy would be complete.

Jesus paid the ultimate price, giving His life for you and me. When we surrender to His lordship, God records our names in the Lamb’s book of life. Jesus said that is reason to rejoice!

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