“For the fruit of the Spirit is . . . longsuffering. . .” (Galatians 5:22)
When offering God’s
mercy to others, there is no place for a judgmental or critical attitude. God
alone is Judge. Therein enters the need for forgiveness, a must to act patiently
with some people. Those people may seem undeserving of mercy, but neither did you,
and I didn’t, when God forgave us (over and over). Do you want enduring
patience that bears more fruit? Show compassion and pardon towards others.
When God allows people and circumstances to shake your life,
you are to respond by “bearing up” without whining or complaining, trusting God
in every situation. Endurance comes by the trying of our faith (James 1:3). Patience
believes God sees everything, is in control of all things, and He is everywhere.
You are confident God deals with the people and conditions that rock your world.
As you daily yield to, obey, and trust your Creator, you will reflect Jesus’ character
in your thoughts and actions, producing the Spirit’s fruit.