Following This Blog

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Overcoming Giants

 “For the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.” (1Samuel 17:47)

How could this young shepherd boy stand up to and think he could defeat a mighty Philistine warrior, who was a giant of a man? Because he knew the One in whom to turn.

What life’s giant do you face? Have you been defeated, wondering why? Consider some of your conflicts compared to David’s with his family, shepherding, and later Israel’s king:

David:  After forty days of Goliath’s taunts, defying the Lord God, it was David who bravely addressed him, honoring God’s name. As his brothers intimidated and accused him of deceit and neglecting the family’s sheep, David boldly stood as he testified that the living God who delivered him from the lion and bear as he rescued sheep under his care would defeat this Philistine. With confidence in God, young David told the nine-foot warrior that the battle was the Lord’s; He would be the victor. And David trusted God when King Saul later looked to kill him.

You:  A life-giant defies the living God you serve. Is it fear, doubt, jealousy, envy, pride, intimidation—or someone? Your towering opponent’s goal is to cripple you; make you believe you are unworthy; your God is weak, unaware, and isn’t concerned about your welfare. As your adversary hurls insults and false accusations, stand boldly in your Savior’s strength as you recall how He delivered you in the past from life’s “lions and bears.”

God’s presence and power enabled David to confidently sling the stone that sank deep into Goliath’s forehead, knocking him facedown to the ground, defeated. Who or what is your “Goliath?” Every battle still belongs to the Lord; overcoming giants happens as believers go forth in Jesus’ power and authority. Trusting God, you, too, just like David, can boldly stand in confidence as He victoriously overtakes your life’s obstacles of every size.


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