“And Jesus cried out again with a loud [agonized] voice and gave up His spirit [voluntarily, sovereignly dismissing and releasing His spirit from His body in submission to the Father’s plan] . . .” (Matthew 27:50 AMP)
What rejoicing! What a celebration! Finally, his greatest
adversary was gone.
False accusations brought the Son of God sorrow, beatings, humiliation,
and, finally, death’s cross. But God, sovereign over all events, knew beforehand
that would happen. Satan and his minions watched with joy thinking they won a
great victory, waiting with anticipation as their opponent drew His last breath
and died. Elated, they saw Him taken off the cross and laid in a tomb, the entrance
sealed with a huge stone. Did Satan think evil prevailed, and he was now in
False accusers did not send Jesus to the cross. Nor did
Satan. It was sin, yours and mine making the cross necessary. It was God’s love
for humanity, His redemptive plan, and Jesus’ willingness to die for us that supplied
our only hope. Had Satan known what would happen after the death of Christ, if
he were all-knowing as God, would he have been so celebratory? Little did he
realize his party time would be short-lived. Because of His death and
resurrection, Jesus defeated death and the grave. No longer bound by human
flesh, He would with resurrection power indwell and empower every believer—if
Satan had only known. But he did not. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection,
Satan is a defeated foe.
Rise, child of God, and walk victoriously. Because of Jesus’
sacrifice and the gift of God’s Holy Spirit within you, you have every resource
needed for this life. You need only tap into it. When this world’s evils and
the devil causes you grief, remind him (and yourself) that Jesus’ shed blood
saved you from eternal damnation. Remind him that because of Jesus’ resurrection,
you have a home in heaven with God the Father and His Son. Remind him that he and
his followers will spend eternity, separated from the Creator of everything
that is, in the lake of fire. Remind him that you are a sinner saved by grace,
now God’s beloved child.
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