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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Road Far From Home

Could it be that the younger son unrelentingly pleaded for his portion of the inheritance that his father gave in to his request, or was it to teach him a lesson? Whatever the reason, the son took his belongings and headed far from home. He foolishly wasted his life, spending all he had. Penniless, friendless, and in dire need, he came to his senses, decided to go back home, and ask his father’s forgiveness (Luke 15). Our heavenly Father sometimes gives us what we beg for even though He knows it may take us a long way from home, far away from His care.

The story Jesus told of a prodigal son depicts a selfish child who made poor choices and suffered the results of those decisions but later repented and returned home to his father. During his absence, the father watched for his son, and upon seeing him from a distance, ran to and embraced him, welcoming his homecoming. Jesus’ parable shows us that God our Father loves His children, despite their waywardness. He longs for their return to His care; His love and forgiveness cover the filth of where they’ve been, and He restores them in His family. You’ve not traveled the long, dusty road too far away from God that you cannot go back home to your Father. But you must first make the turn to return. 

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