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Friday, February 26, 2021

Training Wheels

 “. . .O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him to Me.” (Mark 9:19)

How old were you when you “graduated” from a tricycle to a two-wheel bike? Some children jump on without fear and master it quickly with just a little help. Others need coaxing to boost their confidence and training wheels for stability with the hopes of confidently riding one day soon like “the big kids.”

Only Jesus could take twelve men, some of them uneducated—unlikeliest—and disciple them along for three years, preparing them for the journey ahead. The men intently listened to His teachings and watched as they saw and took part in His mighty acts and miracles. How frustrating it must have been for Jesus that His disciples could not heal the man’s son (vs. 17–18). Why? Jesus said it was their unbelief. You sense the mounting frustration as He asked how long He must put up with them. They still had much to learn, yet He knew their training wheels must come off; He would soon leave.

God places faithful, more seasoned Christians, sometimes called mentors, in our spiritual paths to encourage and teach us along our daily walk with the Lord. But the day comes when those teachers must let go a little, sometimes a lot. The trainee must learn to depend on God, not the mentor. Their responsibility is to spur God’s people on, encouraging them to excel in godly living and ministry and, when ready, train someone else. When the time is right, the mentor takes a step back after removing the training wheels and lets the believer ride like “the big kids.” But it is never wise to appoint responsibilities to unprepared disciples eager to make them more faithful. It will not. They will face undue burdens, and the ministry involved will reflect that poor decision.

Jesus did have to leave His disciples, but not as orphans. Because Jesus was faithful in fulfilling His life-task, God sent another Comforter just like Jesus—the Holy Spirit—the One who would walk alongside them, the same One who walks with us today. One day your God-assigned-mentor who instructed and encouraged you as you prepared for your faith journey must step back—not go away—but give more room as you rely on the Comforter who is always with you, guiding and encouraging you.

Jesus never doubted nor wavered in ministry because He communed daily with His Father and obediently followed His instructions. Eleven of His disciples would later in life prove themselves faithful to their tasks, leaning on the Holy Spirit’s power. By God’s grace, we, too, can fulfill our appointed assignments if we walk by faith, depending on God’s Holy Spirit.

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