Following This Blog

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Forgetting to Remember

 “Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me.”  (Isaiah 46:9)

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you did the right thing; you were obedient to what you perceived God said to do, yet you see little evidence of your obedience? That is where she found herself; wondering if she missed something or made a wrong turn. That’s when God’s love-filled rebuke spoke to her heart, gently reminding her that He was in control and knew the result of the waiting period for the journey. Most impressive about that moment with God was that He spoke with such gentleness—she felt His love.

Why was she so impressed with the presence of God’s love in His rebuke? She deserved a harsh scolding; she forgot to remember “the former things” He did of ages past; she momentarily forgot God’s faithfulness and greatness. Different thoughts of did I do the right thing? And what should I do next veiled the truth that her journey was already a success because she was obedient. Since God instigated the voyage, she didn’t need a strategy, only continued obedience. She repented of her faith-lapse and surrendered herself afresh to the Faithful One, thankful that He controls our wait times in life.

Forgetting to remember can sneak up on you when your journey and world events differently unfold as you thought they would or should. And don’t be surprised if God lovingly reprimands you for not waiting on His timing. He loves you much, has always watched over you, and is the One who sometimes gently reminds, “Don’t forget to remember—Me.”


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts.