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Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

In a moment, it can happen—an insecure, discontented someone uses false accusations to make a point in others' presence. That person took the unsuspecting victim off-guard; the confrontation was unexpected. The confronter was well-prepared and blindsided their target.

How Christians handle true or false accusations is vital. If the charge against you is correct, remedy the situation to the best of your ability. Sadly, some people who claim they are Christ-followers use discrediting gossip and lies for personal gain, making themselves feel better and look better in others' eyes. Arguing with such people is fruitless. And when answering the accuser’s charges, always do it with truth, without retaliation. Truth needs no rehearsal because it doesn’t change, and God is the avenger. But the perpetrator must carefully rehearse and memorize the lies lest the story deviates each time told.

Because we live in a fallen and sinful world, life is full of unfairness; we have all experienced it or have been participants in injustice. The enemy of our soul is always at work to shake us to the core of our foundation. But as we faithfully persevere in the Lord’s work, our labor is not in vain; God uses our faithfulness for His purposes. 

God sees all and knows all. One day everyone will stand before Him, our Maker and Righteous Judge, to give account for every thought, word, and action. Turn the tables on that devilish act by “blindsiding” someone today with an unexpected, genuine compliment—bless instead of slander.

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