“Be ye therefore perfect, even as you Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)
Unmet expectations. Friendships, marriages, families, and church
memberships rise and fall. People come and go in relationships because someone
hoped for and expected more or something different, yet it didn’t happen:
Someone ended a long-standing friendship because of broken confidence. After many years, the spouse still ignores the importance of remembering and acknowledging specific dates, particularly the wedding anniversary. People, including children, compare each other by academic or athletic ability, productiveness, or social standing. The preacher doesn’t visit parishioners enough; the music is boring, the children are too noisy, the youth don’t do enough.
Expecting perfection from imperfect people is not only
unfair but causes results that are sometimes irreparable. There is only One who
walked perfectly; His name is Jesus. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus commands
perfection from the listeners. Knowing our limitations to live blemish-free,
Jesus called for them (and us) to set a goal towards mental and moral character
pleasing to the Father. We all should strive for flawlessness in this life even
though we cannot consistently live that way. And if we cannot succeed in living
flawlessly, we should not expect it from others.
As God’s children, we will one day live without blemish in
heaven with God, our Creator, and Jesus. One day God will bring heaven down to
a newly created Earth where everything is completely perfect. Until either of
those events happen, we must live patiently and considerately of one another.
The surest way to never reach perfection is to never seek to achieve it. Try, fail, repent, try again.