Following This Blog

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Perfect Storm

 “. . . To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth My voice.” (Matthew 18:37)

Not only my eyes but my heart zeroed in on one sentence in the closing thoughts of an article posted by a trusted friend who handles the Word of God accurately: “Truth creates a storm because God intends for it to force people to make decisions about it.” My first thought was how others reacted to Jesus when He spoke the truth: He was trusted, followed, hated, or ignored. Everyone who heard Him had to decide the truth of His Deity, and what a storm that kicked up!

The religious leaders hated Jesus because He loosened their prideful grip on the people, pointing them back to God when He spoke. The ones who should have rightly led the people stirred them up, plotted against and lied about Jesus, and smugly watched as He died on the cross. They stirred the people against Stephen, a deacon in the early church, for proclaiming the truth. Having accused the religious leaders of hypocrisy in not keeping God’s law and murdering Jesus, they stoned him to death. The apostles performed miracles and spoke the Word of God with boldness, and multitudes believed the truth they preached. But that same truth stirred the religious leaders’ jealousy, and they imprisoned the apostles.

“Truth creates a storm, and God intends for it to force people to make decisions about it.” Believing God’s truth sometimes comes at a high price, but all who reject God’s truth will suffer throughout eternity, separated from their Creator. Our nation’s current trend has positioned us for the perfect storm, one created by truth and humanity’s evil nature. The clash between the two has the people stirred up. Lies, deceit, and plots to entrap are rampant. The right decision of who and what you believe is crucial, and now is the time to decide. Honor God—base your decision on who believes and follows God, upholding His truths, not humanity’s opinions. 


  1. Excellent! Thank you Lord for this wisdom.

    1. I thank God for the words He gave me for the message!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.