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Monday, October 5, 2020

Can You Hear Me Now?

“Hear my cry, O God; give ear unto my prayer. (Psalm 61:1)

A frustrating question to ask and a question the person on the receiving end of a conversation dreads to hear: Can you hear me now? That phrase says interference has occurred during a conversation. In remote areas, phone calls are affected by the lack of tower signals, making the addition of a wireless signal booster beneficial.

Amid times of turmoil, grief, fear, doubt, or stubbornness, God’s children may wonder if He hears their heart-pleas as they are laid bare before Him. What causes such thoughts since we know God is everywhere, seeing and hearing everything? In feeble attempts to escape life’s dealings, we sometimes self-isolate, drift from God, or neglect to stay in tune with Him, causing weakened communications. God and signal towers don’t move—we do.

How it must grieve God’s heart when asked, “God, do you hear me?” Of course, He does. The question is, “Do you hear Him?” Are you even listening for His voice? In his distress, as he fled for his life, the psalmist David turned to God, knowing He not only attentively listened but heard his plea (Psalm 17:6). Keeping his line of communication open “from the end of the earth” (v. 2), David trusted God as his strong tower and the shelter of His wings for rest and protection. You and I can do the same. God is our strong tower; His signal is always strong; it never needs boosting and never drops, no matter where you are. Whenever a communication glitch occurs, the fault is from our end of the line, not His.

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