Following This Blog

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Before the Bounty is Evident

“A faithful man shall abound with blessings. . .” (Proverbs 28:20a)

Because of your love for and faithful service to God, you may wonder, Am I a blessing to others? The focus and bent of believers following Jesus should be knowing, loving, and serving God, not the impact our lives make. As we follow the example of our Lord, who daily surrendered to and sought His Father’s will, God will carry out what He wants through us. But why are some Christians more productive than others?”

Consider the process for a successful garden. Before the gardener enjoys fruit, vegetables, or flowers, what does the grower do first? The gardener prepares the soil. It is tilled, broken up finely. Then the weeds, grassroots, and other obstructions to growth are removed, giving seeds or seedlings the proper environment in which they can successfully root and flourish. Finally, the garden must be regularly fertilized, watered, and periodically inspected for any intruders that hinder successful growth.

Your life is God’s garden. He knows your capabilities because He made you, and His Spirit dwells in you, but preparation is necessary before the bounty is clear. Are you willing to ask God to “plow through the soil” of your heart? Dare you ask Him to expose every weed, blade of grass, and root that must go—all the petty things that tend to bog you down and trip you? Are you so committed that you want no stone left unturned? If you are, ask Him to begin plowing. As He reveals obstructions, confess them and, with His help, throw them out. Your life is now ready to flourish for Him, abounding with blessings. As with other gardens, the plantings in your life must be fed, watered, and inspected for intruders that want to stunt or destroy your life’s fruit.

Once God’s garden is flourishing, the bounty may not be clear to you or me. It’s God’s business when, how, and to what degree your life and mine impacts others. Our business is to know God, love, surrender to, obey, and follow Him. Keeping our lives free of intruding “weeds, grass, and pests” is our responsibility, as well as keeping it nourished with God’s Word and cleansed by the power of His Spirit. Our faithful God—The Master Gardener—takes care of the results. The question is, “Will you and I be faithful to do our part in tending His garden?”



  1. Such a great message. Not only a reminder that we constantly need the pruning, but espcially that we need NOT worry about the fruit that's produced because that is God's domain. Thank you Sis.

    1. My pleasure and privilege. So thankful for God's wisdom, faithfulness, and patience.


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