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Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Danger of Teeter-Tottering

“Chasten thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare for his crying.” (Proverbs 19:18)

With a horrified look, a newlywed guest in our home asked, “Aren’t you going to stop her?” He considered me an uncaring mother, negligent of my child’s safety by allowing her actions. My reply was, “Watch.” Our fourth-born child was determined to teeter-totter in the counter stool she had turned upside down. After ignoring repeated warnings of what might happen, it tipped over; and she cried because it hurt. Why did I allow the toddler’s stubbornness to continue knowing what was inevitable? She had to learn a lesson the hard way. Although she longingly glanced at that overturned stool the rest of the evening, she never went back to it. Lesson learned.

Some lessons are more challenging to learn than others. Leniency is granted in some situations, while others need staunch disciplinary action. Sometimes God extends mercy, and other times He is firm. Because we love our children, we discipline, regardless of the tears. God does the same. Our children were not fond of discipline but didn’t reject us because of it. Today, they are God-fearing adults with children and grandchildren of their own, practicing the same type of discipline that helped them as children. Lessons learned.

While we may err in handling some situations, God never has erred and never will. Our heavenly Father warns, and we choose whether to heed or disregard His instructions. He knows the individual needs of His children and is aware of each one’s willingness to receive or stubbornness to reject His loving care. The danger of teeter-tottering with God is how hard a fall we are willing to take. Lesson learned? 

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