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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Rescue Shots

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD, thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9)

Rescue shots are not injections but applications for hair, a preventative measure to guard against the potential damage of split ends and dryness. One small dab used regularly turns unmanageable hair into shiny, healthy, and stronger hair.

Moses is now dead, and God handed Joshua the task of completing the journey into the Land of Promise. What a daunting appointment: leading millions of people in the shadow of such a great and faithful leader. Moses, his mentor, was no longer with him to give advice or reassurance—all responsibility was on his shoulders. It’s no wonder that God, on several occasions, reminded Joshua to be steadfast, courageous; not to be fearful or discouraged. He knew the new leader's challenge: difficult times, frenzied people to deal with, and some still wondering why they left the security of Egypt’s captivity. When Joshua felt overwhelmed, God would apply a “rescue shot” of encouragement, reminding him that he was never alone. God would fight for him, and with him as Joshua’s strength.

Even faithful, Bible-believing, steadfast believers in Christ have days when life seems frizzy, tangled, and dry—unmanageable. Responsibilities pull us in different directions. The same “rescue shot” application is available for us. The message of Joshua’s God (our God) is unchanging: be strong, courageous, unafraid, and be not dismayed. God is always with us wherever we go; He never abandons His children. He will fight for us and with us. There is no need to fear; He is our strength. Like Joshua, we need only take God at His Word, trust Him, and faithfully fulfill our calling.

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