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Thursday, July 9, 2020


“And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

A person walking alone on a dimly lit road at night is an irresistible target. But when danger approaches, and that person has someone walking alongside, they can stand back-to-back and overcome the situation. It is always helpful for someone to “have your back.”

God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so He created a helper fit for him and presented Eve as his wife. Through the ages of time, the concept is still true that humankind should not stand alone. When there are at least two, when one falls (physically, spiritually, or emotionally), the other can help the fallen regain footing to stand again.

Jesus said where at least two are gathered in His name, whether in marriage, friendship, worship, prayer, fellowship, etc., His Spirit is there with them (Matthew 18:18). His presence creates a threefold cord, a braid not quickly broken. But even as a rope can be unbraided. Weakening individual strands, you can “unbraid” yourself from the presence of God and others.

Parting yourself from godly influences, other than for spiritual purposes, will not only weaken you but could weaken them. How? They may have been depending on your “strand” to “have their back.” God created us for fellowship. Healthy interaction with others is essential for a well-balanced life.

Separating yourself from God does not weaken Him in the least, nor does it mean you no longer belong to Him. It means you have chosen to go your separate way, leaving His guidance, care, and fellowship. Doing so, you put yourself at risk, making yourself an easy target for the enemy. His wisdom and strength to help you stand are out of reach—that is until you cry out to your Father in repentance. When you do, He forgives.

Being intertwined with God stabilizes you spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. He not only has your back; you are surrounded, held, and covered by Him. God’s braid supplies a total well-balanced, protected life.


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