Following This Blog

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hungry? Open Up!

“Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. . .” (Psalm 81:10)

A pair of birds continuously brought food to their new family in the bluebird box. How did I know there was a nest? Each time one approached the entrance, the baby birds anxiously awaited food. How do I know they anxiously awaited? Each baby had its mouth wide open, expecting food.

Notice that God did not say through the psalmist, “Open your mouth,” but said, “Open wide your mouth?” We have a heavenly Father who not only supplies physical sustenance; He also wants to fill us spiritually with His goodness and blessings. But in our stubbornness, disobedience, and forging our way, we often miss His perfect plan. Sometimes we settle for less than what He wants to give, and even though the “less” was good, He had His best designed.

There are hungry people everywhere, longing for “something.” Some of them are unaware they are starving spiritually; they only know of a deep yearning within. While on earth, Jesus fed the multitudes physically and spiritually; He was and still is the only answer to satisfy every deep longing. It isn’t necessary to be a scholar of God’s Word to share hope, encouragement, and the love of God—the Good News of Jesus. If you are willing to tell others what God has done for you, He will feed their hungry souls through your testimony.

People are hungry; their mouths are open. Are you willing to help them? Or are you the hungry one with a deep longing? Ask your heavenly Father to feed you. Tilt your head back, open your mouth wide, and Jesus will fill you with Himself. He will satisfy your hunger and the unexplainable yearning within as you feast on the promises of His Word. Once filled, tell others how the Bread of Life (John 6:35) filled your starving soul.

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